1. All the students have to reside in the Nurse’s Hostel provided by the society of St. Joseph’s Hospital and have their food in the mess.
2. Students are expected to comply with rules and regulations of the College, Hostel and the Hospital, and failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action.
3. Students will have medical checkup every year and vaccination on admission. If a student is found medically unfit she will be asked to discontinue her study. The student must meet 50% of the medical expenses and need to clear the account monthly. Any student suffering from a serious illness requiring long-term treatment and rest is sent home for recuperation. In case of need, the student period may be extended to another academic year.
4. Yearly account should be clear before filling the University and council examination form.
5. All students have to follow the uniform and dress code of the college, hospital and hostel.
6. The appointed authority has the power to open letters of the students without their prior consent.
7. Students will be asked to replace or compensate for loss or damage caused to equipment.
8. Only English and Hindi should be spoken in the hostel and hospital campus.
9. Students, who marry during the course, will be asked to discontinue the training.
10. Students are advised NOT to keep excess cash, Gold, jewelers, Mobile Phone and costly items in their rooms. On duty they can wear only a small pair of ear studs. No other ornaments. The institution takes no responsibility for theft or lost of any personal articles or money of the students.
11. Mobile phone is strictly prohibited inside and outside the campus, if the students are bringing, it should be submitted in the office.
12. Students performance is evaluated periodically through term examinations and especially before:
First, second, third and fourth year university examinations.
13. Any student failing more than twice in any of the examinations or poor clinical performance will be advised to discontinue the training.
14. For local students, parents only can be local guardian.
15. Students will be allowed to meet their visitors whose names are on the list signed by the guardian. They will be allowed to meet visitors only on the first Sunday of each month between 8.00 am to 5 pm, for maximum two hours in the hostel. Students are not permitted to entertain with Tiffin service from relatives, friends, etc.
16. Students are allowed to go for shopping / bank once in a month [on visiting day](not more than three hours). Before going out the student should get written permission from principal/warden and report the same person in return and get sign in the outgoing pass.
17. In case a student absents herself from duty/ class for any reason and the principal is not satisfied with the explanation regarding her absence, the student will be asked to make up for the number of days she was absent.
18. Students will be sending for examination only after fulfilling the requirements including the practical records.
19. Serious disciplinary action leading to even dismissal at any time, will be taken against any student for not heeding to advice, correction and warnings for misconduct such as:
a) Willful destruction of the institution property
b) Any attempt of bribing or corruptions.
c) Creating ill will or intolerance or religious or communal grounds.
- Causing disruption in the academic functioning of the college
- Threat or use of physical force against any student or staff
- Verbal abuse on others
- Misconduct in the term/Final examinations
d) Abstaining from duty without prior permission from the principal/her deputy.
e) Carelessness in the discharge of duties resulting in harm to the patient.
f) Entertaining visitors/exchanging letters or gifts from patients, relatives or anyone else.
g) Leaving the place of duty without permission from the department in charge.
h) Unhealthy and scandalous friendships with the same or opposite sex and thus disturbing the atmosphere of the College and Hostel and the Hospital.
i) As per the rules of UGC and INC any activities of RAGGING is punishable. Students who misbehave against a fresher will not be allowed to continue their studies in this college and an FIR will be filed against them in the nearest police station.
j) The decisions of the Management with regard to the behaviors of misconduct and indiscipline will be final.
20. Students shall be permitted to appear in the University and council examination only if they have 80% attendance in theory and in practical attendance should be 100% before the award of the degree.
21. There will be 8 weeks’ vacation in an academic year for the B.Sc nursing students Winter vacation - 2weeks
Preparatory leave - 2weeks
Summer vacation - 4 weeks
23. There will be 30 days annual leave and 10 days sick leave per year for General Nursing Students. Vacations are planned according to the programs of study Of each year.
24. If the students are unable to return in time due to illness, principal should be Intimated immediately followed by a written explanation. On return they should Submit a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner stating Full particulars of their illness and treatment. Normally no other leave will be Granted. Students are not granted leave for social events in the family.
25. Additional leaves will have to be compensated. The students will be subjected to disciplinary action in case of unauthorized absenteeism.